The past few months have been a very busy time at Pilgrim Spirit, so there’s plenty of catching up to do. The last quarter of 2018 saw the publication of three new books from three Pilgrim Spirit authors. There’s a little something for everyone here; I hope you’ll check these out.

Author and chaplain Shannon O’Donnell draws on nearly 20 years of ministry in jail and prison for her new collection, Finding Grace Within. As she tells it, this is sacred ground, and the people inside are human beings with all the hopes, fears, loves, despairs, and trials of the human condition. Every one of them has a story that deserves to be told. The stories and observations Shannon shares here run the gamut—they are powerful, poignant, heartbreaking, wry, and even occasionally hilarious. This is a must-read; it will challenge any preconceptions you have about the criminal justice system and the people caught within it.

Fans of epic fantasy can celebrate the publication of Paul W. Martin’s latest novel, Master of Rage, which is volume three in his Adepts and Demons series. And if you’ve already read the book, you’ll be happy to know Paul reports that he’s making great progress on volume four, with its working title of The Mad God.

Pilgrim Spirit’s newest author is Anna Clark De Foe, whose first novel, Last Communion was published in December. This engaging mystery is set in a small Florida community, where English professor turned amateur sleuth George Ellerton seeks to solve a series of murders that shock his local parish family and friends.